Maximize Resource Efficiency with Complete PO/ASN Visibility.

Complete PO/ASN visibility benefits your organization by optimizing resource allocation, inventory management, and reducing costs, ensuring precise planning and effective use of labor and materials. It also improves customer service with accurate order information and acts as a powerful risk mitigation tool by enabling proactive issue identification and contingency planning.

Bullet Points Example

  • Optimize inventory and resources by ensuring precise resource planning, reduce excess stock and holding costs, and allocate labor and materials efficiently.

  • Improve customer service by providing accurate, timely order information to enhance customer satisfaction and service levels.

  • Proactive risk mitigation through the Identification of issues early, giving you time to adjust lead times, and collaborate with suppliers to prevent disruptions and improve delivery reliability.

Optimizing Resource Allocation with PO/ASN visibility

Stage 1: Monitor PO/ASN Statuses in Near-Real Time

Regularly reviewing the dashboard for near real-time PO/ASN status is crucial for supply chain efficiency. Monitoring this data helps identify bottlenecks or delays at various stages. For example, high counts in ‘Created’ or ‘In Warehouse’ may signal processing or inventory issues. Addressing these promptly ensures smoother operations, reduced lead times, and better resource allocation, enhancing overall supply chain reliability and responsiveness.

Stage 2: Analyze Arrival Date Variances

Using the dashboard helps track shipment punctuality by identifying days with consistent delays or early arrivals. This insight allows you to adjust lead times or work with suppliers to improve delivery accuracy. Better adherence to estimated arrival dates enhances inventory planning, reduces stockout or overstock risks, and ensures a more reliable and efficient supply chain, ultimately improving customer satisfaction.

A GIF of an AgiSight user exploring average delta between expect arrival time and actual arrival time for POs and ASNs

Stage 3: Enhance Supplier Performance

Enhance supplier performance by identifying suppliers with late or at-risk POs or ASNs. By pinpointing these patterns, you can engage directly with underperforming suppliers to address the causes of delays, such as production or transportation issues. Collaborating on improvements ensures more reliable delivery schedules, better resource planning, and inventory management. This proactive approach reduces the risk of late deliveries, enhances customer service by ensuring timely product availability, and ultimately boosts customer satisfaction and loyalty.

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Additional Resources

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