All Your Carriers, All Your Data, One Dashboard

Effortlessly identify top-performing carriers, address performance issues promptly and optimize relationships for enhanced efficiency and cost savings

Bullet Points Example

  • Automated data ingestion removes the manual work of pulling reports from multiple systems and piecing together a picture of your carrier performance

  • Leverage a range of key performance metrics essential for assessing carrier performance, focus on the KPIs that matter the most to your unique goals and initiatives.

  • Foster a culture of continuous improvement through ongoing monitoring and evaluation, businesses can stay agile, responsive, and aligned with their objectives.

Achieving Carrier Management Optimization with AgiSight

Stage 1: Complete Visibility into Individual Carrier Costs and Performance

With AgiSight, you can drill down into individual carrier costs and performance. Measure performance on key metrics for individual partners, identify areas of strength, and areas of opportunity for improvement. Leverage this data to better allocate shipments, renegotiate better rates, and monitor freight costs in relation to the rest of your network. The first step to optimizing carrier performance is having complete command and visibility of their current state.

Stage 2: Maximizing Reliability with Accountability

Happy customers keep bottom lines healthy, and ensuring reliable fulfillment is essential for customer satisfaction. Ensure partners are meeting their SLAs through continuous monitoring of costs, order acceptance, disruptions, on-time order rates, and more. The second step to optimizing carrier performance is ensuring partners meet expectations and are held accountable when they fall short.

a GIF of an AgiSight user looking at individual carrier costs and shipment types in AgiSight's Carrier Scorecard report

Stage 3: Clear Performance Benchmarks Require Clear Expectations.

Understanding and analyzing individual carrier performance allows you to set data-driven performance benchmarks to compare all carriers against. Identify carriers that need improvement and have a complete understanding of what specifically needs to be improved. Moreover, enhance overall operational and financial efficiency through informed decision-making as it relates to which partners you trust to represent your brand. The third step to optimizing carrier performance is to foster a culture of continuous improvement, radical efficiency, and unbridled accountability.

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Additional Resources

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